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Pivotal UI

About / Upgrade guide

Upgrade guide

Pivotal UI follows semantic versioning. Major version bumps (e.g. 10.x.x -> 11.0.0) may contain major new features and breaking changes, which will be documented below. Minor version bumps (e.g. 10.5.x -> 10.6.0) may contain additive, non-breaking new features. Bug fixes will be released in patch versions (e.g. 10.5.1 -> 10.5.2).

Below are the upgrade guides for recent major versions of Pivotal UI. For more details about minor and patch releases, see the changelog on the branch in question (e.g. v17 for version 17).

v20 WIP

Migration Guide


Breaking Changes
  • We've removed our dependency on pui-cursor.
  • Removed the AutocompleteInput Component since it could not easily be used without the Autocomplete
  • Pressing Tab while in the input of the Autocomplete no longer selects the highlighted item. It now closes the Autocomplete and focuses the next item in the DOM.
  • Pressing the Up or Down arrow keys no longer scroll to the Autocomplete item.
  • The value prop on Autocomplete actually makes it a controlled component. Rather than setting it as a default value.

v19 Table-Flippers (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


The goal of the 19.0 release is to increase accessibility of tables within applications using Pivotal UI.

Big Changes

New Table Component Structure

  • Pivotal UI tables are now based on building block components (e.g. <Table/>, <Tbody/>, etc.) rather than a single component
  • Tables also no longer support the concept of "plugins"

Migration Guide


Plugin Conversions

Follow the directions below to replace previously supported table plugins for Pivotal UI table functionality.

If you're using...Switch to...
withCellClassNameCell class names can now be passed directly to the <Td> and <Th> tags, e.g. <Td className="my-cell-class" />
withCellEllipsisPass className="type-ellipsis" to <Td> or <Th> tags
withCellOnClickWrap cell children in a <button type="button" onClick={yourOnClickCallback}> tag
withCellTooltipRender a <TooltipTrigger> component inside the <Td> or <Th> tag
withCellWidthAssign a className to the <Th> tag and add a css width property. Assigning the width to a <Th> will affect the entire column.
withFlexFlex columns are no longer supported due to accessibility constraints. However, by default the Pivotal UI table cells should accommodate the size of their contents.
withFooterRowUse a <Tfoot> component with <Tr>'s inside of it as the last row(s) of your table
withRenderTdChildrenThis functionality has been replaced by deconstructing the table. You should now be able to render whatever <Td> and <Th> tags you would like inside a given row.
withRenderThChildrenSee above.
withRowClassNameRow class names can now be passed directly to the <Tr> tag, e.g. <Tr className="my-row-class" />
withRowDrawerThe <TrWithRowDrawer> component enables this functionality. See the Tables page for more information.
withRowLinkDue to accessibility constraints table rows can no longer be links. However, you can wrap components within a table cell in links.
withScrollableTbodyPass the scrollable prop to the <Tbody> component.
withSortingSee detailed sortable table example on the Tables page.
Accessibility Considerations for Tables

When building a table, the following attributes are important to include in order to ensure the accessibility of your table for assistive technology:

  • Include a <Caption> as a descriptive title for your table
  • Use <Th> tags to indicate headers, and add property scope="row" if the <Th> is a header for a row rather than a column
  • For sortable tables, provide the aria-sort property, with value ascending, descending, or none
More Resources:

v18 Taste The Rainbow 🌈


The goals of the 18.0 release are:

  • Increase accessibility of applications using Pivotal UI
  • Reduce the number of colors available to make it easier for users to know when to use each color

Big Changes

React version

  • Pivotal UI now specifies React 16.8 as a dependency, and it is recommended that users upgrade to this version

New Color Palette

  • We have revamped and simplified our color palette. For details on how our new palette was designed, see this article by Raquel Breternitz.
  • We have introduced the concept of light and dark backgrounds to our color conventions. For buttons and hover states, we have corresponding colors that ensure accessibility.
  • Now, the set of encouraged background colors is much smaller: backgrounds should be white, light-gray, dark-gray, or (in rare cases) black. White and light-gray are considered "light" backgrounds, while dark-gray and black are considered "dark" backgrounds. This is important for "on-light"/"on-dark" styles (see below).
  • Our components had their colors updated to use the new color palette. This is most noticeable on components like Alerts, Buttons, and Pagination. These changes are intentional – they are not meant to look exactly the same!

Migration Guide


  • It should be a simple find-and-replace to convert from our old colors to the new color selection. This conversion applies to Sass variables (e.g. $neutral-1 to $black), background color modifier classes (e.g. bg-neutral-1 to bg-black), and text color modifier classes (e.g. type-neutral-1 to type-black). Here is the mapping of colors to new:
If you're using...Switch to...
neutral-3, neutral-4gray
neutral-5, neutral-6, neutral-7accent-gray
neutral-8, neutral-9light-gray
neutral-10, neutral-11white
dark-2, dark-3dark-gray
dark-4, dark-5, dark-6gray
dark-7, dark-8accent-gray
dark-10, dark-11white
brand-1, brand-2black
brand-3, brand-4, brand-5, brand-6, brand-7teal
brand-8, brand-9, brand-10accent-teal
accent-1, accent-2dark-blue
accent-3, accent-4blue
error-1, error-2, error-3dark-red
error-4, error-5red
warn-1, warn-2black
warn-3, warn-4, warn-5decorative-yellow
success-1, success-2green
success-3, success-4, success-5accent-green

After this conversion, look over your app to make sure things still look okay. Some change is intended, but you might need to use different colors in some places. For places where you were previously using light shades of gray (like hover states), they may now be white and not show up over white backgrounds.

For hover states that appear over light backgrounds, use the $hover--onLite color variable or the bg-hover--onLite background modifier class. For hover states over dark backgrounds, use the $hover--onDark variable or the bg-hover--onDark background modifier class.


  • We have introduced a new component called ThemeProvider which will tell components anywhere inside the ThemeProvider use the associated theme
  • Note that as of now this functionality is currently limited to Buttons


Our button components (DefaultButton, PrimaryButton, etc.) were revamped to clean up the code and use the new color palette. The breaking changes are as follows:

  • The span with class name pui-btn-inner-content inside the Button component was removed to simplify markup
  • Class names used by these components that did not have a pui- prefix have been removed (e.g. btn, btn-sm).
  • The remaining class names (prefixed with pui-) were slightly renamed to follow BEM conventions. Here are the changes:
Old class nameNew class name
N/A (new feature)pui-btn--on-dark

We have also split out the class names that correlate to the type of button.

Old class nameNew class name
pui-btn-primary-altpui-btn--primary pui-btn--alt
pui-btn-primary-flatpui-btn--primary pui-btn--flat
pui-btn-default-altpui-btn--default pui-btn--alt
pui-btn-default-flatpui-btn--default pui-btn--flat
pui-btn-danger-altpui-btn--danger pui-btn--alt
pui-btn-danger-flatpui-btn--danger pui-btn--flat
pui-btn-brand-altpui-btn--brand pui-btn--alt
pui-btn-brand-flatpui-btn--brand pui-btn--flat

These changes will only be breaking if you had tests that asserted on these class names, or if you have custom CSS overrides that applied to these class names.

In an effort to ensure accessibility, when using a Button with the iconOnly prop set to true, if the Button does not have an associated aria-label a console warning will show in development


  • The RadioGroup component sets readOnly to true on radio inputs when no onChange is provided.


  • Colors of the Alerts have been changed to align with the new color palette, and to increase the contrast ratio in order to improve accessibility
  • Status prefixes (i.e. "Success:", "Warning:") have been added to the alert content
  • Non-namespaced CSS classes were removed as follows:
Old class nameNew class name


  • The Svg component has been removed. It is recommended that uses are replaced with the SVG Loader for Webpack.
  • The ButtonGroup component has been removed. If you still need the components, the CSS is still available in older versions of Pivotal UI, and can be brought into your codebase
  • The Select component has been removed. It is recommended that uses are replaced with the HTML select tag
  • We removed non-namespaced CSS classes from the following components:
Old class nameNew class name
Collapse and Collapsible
Old class nameNew class name
Old class nameNew class name
Old class nameNew class name



The goals of the 17.0 release are:

  • Rewrite Form component to decouple state management from layout. Now, the placement of fields is completely customizable.
  • Improve RadioGroup component to take a value prop, allowing it to be used more easily within a Form.
  • Improve accessibility of alert components (SuccessAlert, ErrorAlert, InfoAlert, WarningAlert).
  • Deprecate the Select React component.
  • Deprecate the CellRenderer Table plugin.
  • Introduce the renderThChildren Table plugin.

Big Changes


  • We removed the bg-cloud, bg-glow, and bg-full-bleed modifier classes and the background images aboutus-hero.jpg and gray-cloud.png.


  • The Form component now supports adding and removing fields after the initial render.
  • The Form now requires a new fields object prop. They keys of this object are the unique field names that will be used in the Form. The values are mostly what was used to be props on the FormCol. See the Migration Guide below for examples.
  • When an individual field has no children specified, it will default to a text Input.
  • When composite Form fields call onChange, the first argument should now be either the new value or the associated event (previously this had to be the second argument).
  • When specifying a custom onChange on a Form field, the controlled value will always be updated by the Form, it is no longer required for the custom onChange to carry out this behavior.
  • Form fields can now become optional after the initial render.
  • Whether a field is optional can be determined via callback at render time.
Custom layout
  • The children of the Form must be a function that will receive the form fields, state, and various form helper methods. Use this to layout the fields however desired. See the Migration Guide below for examples.
  • FormRow and FormCol have been removed, because layout is now achieved with the children function.
Setting state
  • The Form no longer provides direct access to its setState method. If the Form internal state was being used to hold custom state, this should now be held in state outside of the Form.
  • To update the current Form field values from within the Form, use the new setValues method that is passed to the children of the Form, and to the children of a Form field (if the field's children is a function).
  • The FormUnit prop field has been renamed to children.

Migration Guide

Maintain old Form Layout

In order to use the old Form, add these files to your project:

Then replace all usages of Form with GridForm. These files are not maintained and there is no guarantee on feature parity. We recommend using the new Form layout.

Using new Form Layout

  1. Here is the old Form:

    <FormRow wrapper={() => <Collapsible {...{expanded: this.state.expanded}}/>}>
      <FormCol name="firstName" initialValue="John" label="First Name">
        <Input type="text"/>
      <FormCol name="lastName" initialValue="Doe" label="Last Name">
        <Input type="text"/>
      <FormCol fixed>
        {({canSubmit}) => (
          <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>
  2. Create a new fields prop:

    <Form {...{
    fields: {
      firstName: {
        initialValue: 'John',
        label: 'First Name'
      lastName: {
        initialValue: 'Doe',
        label: 'Last Name'
    {/* ... */}
  3. Create a callback for the Form child:

    {() => ( // new callback
        <FormRow wrapper={() => <Collapsible {...{expanded: this.state.expanded}}/>}>
          <FormCol name="firstName" initialValue="John" label="First Name">
            <Input type="text"/>
          <FormCol name="lastName" initialValue="Doe" label="Last Name">
            <Input type="text"/>
          <FormCol fixed>
            {({canSubmit}) => (
              <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>
  4. Extract FormRow wrappers into the layout:

    {() => ( // new callback
        <Collapsible {...{expanded: this.state.expanded}}> // previously a prop to the FormRow
            <FormCol name="firstName" initialValue="John" label="First Name">
              <Input type="text"/>
          <FormCol name="lastName" initialValue="Doe" label="Last Name">
            <Input type="text"/>
          <FormCol fixed>
            {({canSubmit}) => (
              <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>
  5. Replace FormRow with Grid and FormCol with FlexCol, and remove unnecessary props from the FlexCols:

    {() => (
        <Collapsible {...{expanded: this.state.expanded}}>
              <Input type="text"/> // remove "name", "initialValue", "label", etc.
            <Input type="text"/>
          <FlexCol fixed> // keep the "fixed" prop
            {({canSubmit}) => (
              <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>
  6. Remove all that FormCol child callbacks, and use the Form methods provided by the Form child callback instead:

    {({canSubmit}) => ( // get "canSubmit" from the Form child callback
        {/* ... */}
          <FlexCol fixed> // removed the FlexCol callback
            <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>
  7. Place the fields in the layout:

    {({canSubmit, fields}) => ( // obtain the fields from the Form child callback
        <Collapsible {...{expanded: this.state.expanded}}>
              {fields.firstName} // use the firstName field
            {fields.lastName} // use the lastName field
          <FlexCol fixed>
            <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>
  8. Consider removing Grids and FlexCols for fields that are alone on a row:

    {({canSubmit, fields}) => ( // obtain the fields from the Form child callback
        <Collapsible {...{expanded: this.state.expanded}}>
          {fields.firstName} // Grid is not necessary here
        {fields.lastName} // Grid is also not necessary here
          <FlexCol fixed>
            <PrimaryButton type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit()}>Submit</PrimaryButton>



The goals of the 16.0 release are:

  • Introduce new ProgressBar component
  • Rewrite Modal and Flyout components to be more accessible and configurable
  • Checkbox now has an indeterminate state

Big Changes


Previously progress bars was solely a CSS implementation. See the ProgressBars page for details on new React component.

  • ProgressBar CSS moved from pivotal-ui/css/progress-bars to pivotal-ui/css/progress-bar

We rewrote the Modal component (formerly BaseModal) from the ground-up to be more usable and accessible.

  • Keyboard navigation is now preserved within the modal when it's open to prevent users from being able to tab onto and interact with background elements while the modal is open.
  • Uses efficient CSS transitions instead of JavaScript-based animations to animate the modal opening/closing. This means the animation will be much smoother across all browsers (and especially in IE/Edge).
  • Now possible to specify the duration of the open/close animation via the animationDuration prop (and still possible to disable animation entirely, if desired, if animationDuration is 0).
  • Easier to specify the width of the modal via the improved size prop.
  • More reliably prevents scrolling of background elements while the modal is open.
Breaking Changes
  • Modal component moved from pivotal-ui/react/modals to pivotal-ui/react/modal
  • Modal CSS moved from pivotal-ui/css/modals to pivotal-ui/css/modal
  • Renamed BaseModal component to Modal.
  • The ModalBody and ModalFooter components have been removed. Now, to specify a modal body, just use the children prop on the Modal. To specify a modal footer, use the footer prop.
  • Some minor prop changes:

    • The size prop, when given a value of small/sm, now gives the modal a width of 300px, as originally intended. This value used to be the same as the default width (744px).
    • The old animation prop, which allowed disabling animation and which defaulted to true, has been removed. Now, use animationDuration={0} to disable animation.
    • The old keyboard prop, which allowed disabling pressing escape to close the modal, has been removed. Pressing escape now always closes the modal.
    • The old acquireFocus prop, which allowed disabling moving focus inside the modal when it opens, has been removed. Focus is now always moved inside the modal when it opens, and cycles between elements of the modal until the modal is closed.
    • The old onEntered and onExited props, which allowed providing callbacks that are called when the modal starts opening and finishes closing, have been removed.
  • New CSS class names for each part of the modal:

    • pui-modal-dialog-backdrop is the background element that takes up the full screen when the modal is open
    • pui-modal-dialog is the wrapper element for the visible part of the modal (the box that appears in the center of the window)
    • pui-modal-header is the element within the dialog that wraps the title
    • pui-modal-title is the h3 tag within the header that contains the title
    • pui-modal-close-btn is the close button within the dialog
    • pui-modal-body is the class name that wraps the children given to the modal
    • pui-modal-footer is the class name that wraps the footer given to the modal


We rewrote the Flyout component from the ground-up to be more usable and accessible.

  • Keyboard navigation is now preserved within the flyout when it's open to prevent users from being able to tab onto and interact with background elements while the flyout is open.
  • Uses efficient CSS transitions instead of JavaScript-based animations to animate the flyout opening/closing. This means the animation will be much smoother across all browsers (and especially in IE/Edge).
  • Now possible to specify the duration of the open/close animation via the animationDuration prop (and now possible to disable animation entirely with animationDuration={0}).
  • More reliably prevents scrolling of background elements while the flyout is open.
  • Now possible to change the icon in the flyout header via the iconSrc prop (which defaults to "close", to render a close button by default).
Breaking Changes
  • Some minor prop changes:

    • The old open prop is now called show, to be more consistent with the Modal.
    • The old close prop is now called onHide, to be more consistent with the Modal.
  • New CSS class names for each part of the modal:

    • pui-flyout-dialog-backdrop is the background element that takes up the full container width/height when the flyout is open
    • pui-flyout-dialog is the wrapper element for the visible part of the flyout (the box that appears on the right side of the window)
    • pui-flyout-header is the element within the dialog that wraps the header and icon button
    • pui-flyout-icon-btn is the icon button within the flyout header
    • pui-flyout-body is the class name that wraps the children given to the flyout


  • New table plugin: withRenderTdChildren. This allows you to more efficiently control the rendering of table cell contents via a renderTdChildren prop on table columns. The older withCellRenderer plugin is still available, but is no longer recommended when passing an inline function. The documentation has been updated to reflect this change. This plugin is also included by default on AdvancedTable.


  • New indeterminate enables putting the Checkbox in an indeterminate state (neither checked nor unchecked).


  • All animations/transitions in PUI now default to 200ms (0.2s). Previously, most things used 200ms, but some used 150ms or 300ms.
  • Removed deprecated and unused tab-highlight and tabs-images CSS classes.



The goals of the 15.0 release are:

  • Rewrite & redesign Pagination component
  • Rewrite Dropdown component to be less opinionated on its contents
  • Make Autocomplete component easier to use
  • Make font rendering crisper

The Big Changes


We rewrote the Pagination component from the ground up, but its API has remained, mostly, the same.


  • New design (rewritten CSS)
  • Show up to 5 pages, always including the first and last, with ellipses in between if necessary.
  • onSelect callback gets called with an object containing newActivePage, the page number of the newly selected page (either the number that was clicked, activePage + 1 if next button was clicked, or activePage - 1 if previous button was clicked).
  • Removed large and small props.

The changes to the Dropdown make it less opinionated about its children. Previously, it was necessary to have all children of a Dropdown be DropdownItems, and the Dropdown would handle onClick-like events on these items. Now, any child node can be passed as a child, and if a child needs an onClick, it should be set on that child directly.


  • Removed DropdownItem component entirely
  • Removed props: href, labelAriaLabel, onSelect, onSplitClick, splitClassName
  • Added prop: itemClassName which provides a class to the li element that wraps each child of the dropdown


The changes to Autocomplete are meant to make it easier to control when and how the data in the list gets updated from the outside.


  • Add a new public method updateList, which updates the list of search results without showing the list. To see how this this might be used, see the Autocomplete page.
  • Change the callback that is passed in to onInitializeItems to return a Promise, so that it can be awaited from the outside if desired. This means that an outer component can wait for the inner trie data structure to be built before calling updateList to update the list.

Font Rendering

We removed CSS in PUI that was disabling subpixel antialising (see here for more information). The effect of this is that fonts appear crisper, brighter, and more vibrant.



The goals of the 14.0 release are:

  • Remove dependency on Bootstrap from all PUI components
  • Remove all Bootstrap files from PUI

The Big Changes

Code component

All CSS from Bootstrap that styled code, kbd, pre, and samp elements has been moved to pivotal-ui/css/code. If these tags are no longer styled as expected, add import 'pivotal-ui/css/code' alongside your other CSS.

Grids component

This component was based on Bootstrap Grids, and has been removed. Use our Flex Grids component and/or CSS classes instead. Here are some examples of the changes required to migrate from the older, Bootstrap-based component:


Deprecated Bootstrap-based Grid:

  <Col md={8}>...</Col>
  <Col md={16}>...</Col>


  <FlexCol grow={2}>...</FlexCol>

Deprecated Bootstrap-based Grid:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-8">...</div>
  <div class="col-md-16">...</div>


<div class="grid">
  <div class="col">...</div>
  <div class="col col-grow-2">...</div>

Other Bootstrap CSS/utility classes

Any Bootstrap CSS that was not a part of any PUI component, but which was included by PUI, will no longer work. Install Bootstrap CSS separately if needed.


The following components were deprecated several releases ago, and are no longer documented. They have now been removed:

  • Bootstrap Grids component (pivotal-ui/react/grids and pivotal-ui/css/grids)
  • Google Maps component (pivotal-ui/css/google-maps)
  • Avatars component (pivotal-ui/css/avatars)



The goals of the 13.0 release are:

  • New interface and design of Panels
  • Redesign of Dropdown and CheckboxDropdown

The Big Changes


  • Panels have been redesigned to have a title, header, body, and footer section. You can insert components in the title and header sections. See the Panels examples.

    • The panel title appears outside the rounded box
    • The panel header appears within the rounded box, separated from the content by a border
    • The panel body appears within the rounded box, below the header (if any)
    • The panel footer appears at the bottom of the rounded box.
  • The panel body now has rounded corners and a box shadow by default.
  • Previously, the panel header prop took a Node. Now, it takes a string, which it will place in the top left corner of the panel. This is intended to make panel headers more consistent by default. To get the old behavior back, do not pass a header, and use headerCols={[<FlexCol key="some-key">{someNode}</FlexCol>]}.
  • Panel CSS classes are now prefixed with pui-.
  • The classes panel, panel-body, panel-header and panel-footer have been removed. You can either:

    • update your CSS by prepending pui- OR
    • you can pass those classes in via the bodyClassName, headerClassName, or footerClassName props.
<Panel {...{
  className: 'panel',
  bodyClassName: 'panel-body',
  headerClassName: 'panel-header',
  footerClassName: 'panel-footer'
  • Icon no longer positioned absolutely



The goals of the 12.0 release are:

  • Fix Form alignment issues
  • Namespace the CSS of new components with pui-
  • Redesign the Checkbox and Radio component
  • Fix the Icon component to be create-react-app compatible
  • Enhance the Table component to determine column headers from the data

The Big Changes


  • When no columns prop is given, the table will automatically determine the columns and column headers based on the keys of data.
  • See the Tables example


  • CSS selectors prefixed with pui-, eg. pui-checkbox
  • Update the styling
  • Remove props related to forms: displayError, errorMessage and label.


  • CSS selectors prefixed with pui-, eg. pui-radio
  • Update the styling

Conversion Guide


  • Use the new Form component to obtain functionality such as field labels, tooltips, and help text.



The goals of the 11.0 release are:

  • Introduce new Form component

The Big Changes


  • Label component
  • .form-group class has been removed.

Input, Toggle

  • Moved some functionality (e.g. labels, tooltips, help text) out of these components and into the Form component.


  • Introduced the TextFilter component


<Form className="example-form">
  <FormRow className="mbxl">
    <FormCol {...{
      name: 'orgName',
      label: 'Label Layer',
      help: 'Error or Help text Layer'
      <Input {...{placeholder: 'I am in the content layer'}}/>
    <FormCol {...{
      name: 'other',
      retainLabelHeight: true
      <Input {...{placeholder: 'No label or help text, but still lines up!'}}/>
    <FormCol {...{
      name: 'other',
      label: 'Inline Label',
      inline: true
      <Input {...{placeholder: 'The field and the label lines up when inline'}}/>
Form Unit
  • it's a layered cake

    • top is for labels (green)
    • middle is for content (blue)
    • the bottom is for messages/help text/ error text (red)
  • the goal is to make it easy to build rhythmic 8pt grid conforming forms

Conversion Guide

Input, Toggle

  • Use the new Form component to obtain functionality such as field labels, tooltips, and help text.


  • The onChange callback will now receive the new value as a second argument, instead of putting it on



The goals of the 10.0 release are:

  • Upgrade to React 16.

The Big Changes


  • Upgraded to React 16.


  • Added new positioning and display classes. See the Positioning page in the docs.

Iconography, SVG

  • Fixed the path to custom SVGs

Conversion Guide


  • Run npm i react@^16.0.0 or yarn upgrade react@^16.0.0 to install React 16. Other changes may be required.



The goals of the 9.0 release are:

  • Update components to use the 8 point grid
  • Adding some new components (Flyout, Wizard)
  • Overhaul the existing Table component to make it easier to contribute new features

The Big Changes


  • All react and CSS components are now in the pivotal-ui package


  • The CopyToClipboardButton component has been deprecated
  • The Label component has been deprecated

Button Groups

  • Can now be large or small

Button Groups, Draggable List, Left-Tabs, Progress Bar, Tabs

  • Updates to use the 8 point grid system


  • Can now be large or small
  • No longer uses the CopyToClipboardButton component

Flex Grid

  • col-fixed now uses flex: 0 1 auto so that it works in IE11


  • Added component that allows a modal to slide in from the right side of the page
  • Added new underline CSS classes


  • CSS refactor


  • Can now be large or small
  • Uses the Button Group component to render its page elements


  • The onChange callback will now pass the underlying click event as its first argument, instead of the selected value


  • Re-architected the Table component to make it easier to contribute new features

    • SortableTable: rows can be sorted ascending or descending by a chosen column.
    • FlexTable: uses div tags to compose a table rather than traditional HTML tags.
    • SortableFlexTable: a SortableTable that is composed of div tags.
    • AdvancedTable: offers many additional features for advanced customization.
  • The base Table is no longer sortable. Use SortableTable for this purpose.
  • Added a plugin system, see the Table component documentation for details.


  • Added component that allows a user to click through a series of wizard pages

Conversion Guide


  • In package.json, add pivotal-ui as a dependency, and remove all old pui-css-{component} and pui-react-{component} dependencies. (CAUTION: make sure you only remove PUI components)
  • Update all files that required/imported PUI components to import from the new pivotal-ui package.

    • React example: import {DefaultButton} from 'pivotal-ui/react/buttons';
    • CSS example: import 'pivotal-ui/css/buttons';

Button Group, Draggable List, Left-Tabs, Notifications, Pagination, Progress Bar, Tabs

  • Positioning changes may be required as a result of underlying CSS changes


  • onChange callbacks should be updated to uses the new event object as the first argument


  • Use SortableTable if sorting behavior is required.
  • Use AdvancedTable if advanced FlexTable features are needed