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Pivotal UI



Use the SuccessAlert, ErrorAlert, InfoAlert, and WarningAlert components to alert the user of some change in state.

For example, here are alerts for various outcomes of uploading a file:

Various alerts
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To allow the user to hide the alert after reading it, set the dismissable prop to add a clickable close icon:

Dismissable alert
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To perform some action when the user dismisses an alert, set the onDismiss prop:

Dismissable alert with callback
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Use the withIcon prop to add an icon to the alert:

Alert with icon
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Alerts can contain any content. To have links within this content styled correctly, apply the pui-alert-link class to any <a> tag that appears inside the alert.

Alert with complex content
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By default, alerts maintain their dismissed/not dismissed state internally. To hold this state at a higher level (in a parent component), pass the show prop to the alert.

Controlled alert
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The SuccessAlert, ErrorAlert, InfoAlert, and WarningAlert components all take the following props:

closeLabelnoNode'Close alert'Screen reader label attached to close button
dismissablenoBooleanfalseIf true, render a close button
onDismissnoFunctionCallback that is called when the user clicks the close button
shownoBooleanIf set, overrides the close button. True shows the alert, false hides the alert.
withIconnoBooleanfalseIf true, render alert with an icon


Import React components (including CSS):

import {SuccessAlert, InfoAlert, WarningAlert, ErrorAlert} from 'pivotal-ui/react/alerts';

Import CSS only:

import 'pivotal-ui/css/alerts';