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Pivotal UI

Tools / Color contrast checker

Color contrast checker

Choose a background color and a text color from Pivotal UI's color palette to calculate the contrast ratio between these colors.

This is normal sample text.
This is large sample text.
Contrast ratio: 21.00:1
  • Level AA (large text): pass
  • Level AA: pass
  • Level AAA (large text): pass
  • Level AAA: pass

As defined by WCAG, the conformance levels measured here are AA and AAA. AAA is a higher standard to meet than AA. Since large text is generally easier to distinguish from its background than smaller text, the contrast standards for each level are lower for larger text (font size >= 18px).

  • Level AA (large text) compliance: For large text, contrast ratio should be at least 3:1.
  • Level AA compliance: For regular-sized text, contrast ratio should be at least 4.5:1.
  • Level AAA (large text) compliance: For large text, contrast ratio should be at least 4.5:1.
  • Level AAA compliance: For regular-sized text, contrast ratio should be at least 7:1.